[ Visit Indonesia] Van Den Bosch Fortress, in Ngawi from Dutch

Helloooo people !! How’s life? I hope you always pretty, aaamiiinnn : )
We already in the middle of the August and my holiday is running out but I still stay in my home. No more take a walk or visit some interesting place in Ngawi. Yeeea, I spent my holiday with watching TV, updating my facebook status, or lay in my bed. Oke fix, I’m so lazyyyy personnn…

But, I try to make my long holiday more usefull. So, in Sunday morning, august 10, 2014 yesterday my sister and I went to some place that have many history. Yup, all of people around the place call that place “ Benteng Pendem “ but the reality the name of that place is “ Van Den Bosch Fortress “. Maybe, because the fortress in underground so all of people around there call it “ Benteng Pendem “ :D

The location of Benteng Pendem not so far from my home. Maybe, I need 10 – 15 minutes to go there. Benteng pendem located in Jalan Diponegoro near Makam Pahlawan Ngawi, East Java, Indonesia. The way to go there is very easy. If you don’t bring motorcycle or maybe you’re not Ngawi’s residents you can by angkot to go there and you just pay Rp 3000. Believe me, It’s very easy to go Benteng pendem because the location of Benteng Pendem in the central of Ngawi city.

Benteng Pendem open from 08.00 WIB – 17.00 WIB in everyday. Visting benteng pendem is the best choice to spent your free time in Ngawi. Why I can say like that? Because you can get more knowledge and beside that you can take a lot of photo in the benteng. FYI, the building of Benteng Pendem like building in foreign country because Benteng Pendem are builded by Dutch People when They colonize Indonesia long long long time ago. So, many people always take many photo if they go there. Trust me, you will never say “ I disappointed go to this place “after you went to Benteng Pendem but you will say “ if I in Ngawi I’ll go to Benteng Pendem again “. 

First, you’ll enter and be welcoming with ticketing people. You must pay Rp 2000 for one person and Rp 1000 for one motorcycle if you bring motorcycle. And if you go straight you will find Van Den Bosch Fortress map to direct you. If you go and turn right you’ll find canteen and gift store and if you turn left you’ll find mushola and bathroom. But if you go straight you’ll find building in your left and your right and if you go straight more you’ll see two rivers meet in the one place. And if you want to see more building like colosereum Roma or prison you must go to this place, oke? Hehehe, I’ll waiting for you beibeeeeh…

some part of Benteng Pendem

I suggest you if you wanna go to Benteng Pendem at early Morning or evening.Because if you go there at afternoon you’ll like SATE. In the Benteng Pendem is very hot in the afternoon. Or maybe if you only can go there in the afternoon you can bring your hat.

Oke, I think it’s enough for review of Van Den Bosch Fortress or I usually call it benteng Pendem. Maybe, if you wanna go there I’m ready to be your guide, hahaha
me, my little brother, and my sister. I know we're totally different :D

Oemji, i like a cabe - cabean -__-

No, i'm not Jokowi's supporter :D

Candid but i think it's failed :D

Where are you my soulmate? hahaha

See you next post…
And I’m sorry if my English is “ amburadul “ because I still learning :D
Au Revoir :*

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40 komentar

  1. yes..yes.. i know you're cabe caben *eeh..

    Waah.. tua banget dah bangunannya..
    Kalo malam buka enggk qiu ? lumayan buat wisata malam :3

    1. hahaha, jahaaat u,u

      iya, dri jamannya belanda jajah Indonesia ni benteng udah ada :D
      bukanya cum sampai jam 5, itu aja kelelawarnya udah pada muncuuul semua.
      kalo tambah malem pasti lebih mengerikan -__-

  2. Waduh bahasa inggris, otak gue yang pentium jaman jebot ini harus muter otak 2 x hhe

    Jalan-jalan ke benteng ya, hmmm, minat gak minat sih, apalagi pernah punya pengalaman mistis di tempat2 kaya gitu hhe

    Itu foto cabe cabeannya ehh foto ts latarnya keliatan sama aja deh mau di foto di sebelah mana juga hhe

    Btw, gue pertamax ya, ayeyyy

    1. haloo, selamat datang di blog mata kodok ini,
      semoga betah berkunjung lagi :D

      iya, ini juga pernah di jadiin lokasi mr tukul jalan - jaln dan gak diterusin lagi :D

  3. keren nih buat jadi lokasi foto ala2 vintage hahahha :D

  4. seru ya liburannya ke benteng, aku malah belum pernah jalan-jalan ke benteng. Waaah kalo benteng dan suasana di sana bagus kaya di foto-foto kk, jadi pengen ke sana buat foto-foto. Bener kata fuji, buat foto vintage bagusss banget hihihi.
    udah mah deket biaya nya terjangkau banget, tiap hari kesana buat foto-foto mah betah aku hihihi. Akuu komen nya pake b indo gapapa ya kaaaakss, mau ah bahasa inggrisku kacang kayak hatiku yg lagi kacauuuu #eaaaakkk

    1. duuuh, malah curhat :D
      Iya, ayo sini main ke Ngawii ntar aku ajak ke benteng :D

  5. ini bw tercepat gue. langsung di skip skip gitu.
    lah wong gak tahu artinya, dibaca juga percuma hehe maaf ya.
    yang aku tahu cuma cabe-cabean itu doang udah.
    btw nice post

    1. hehehe
      iyaaa, gapapa semangaaat belajar inggris yaa :)

  6. I'm curious to visit this place :D
    Well, the 2nd picture in this post is same with the place that I saw in a picture of Egypt (I saw the picture of my friend who are in Egypt)

    It's good to post an article in English so foreigners can read it and know more about Indonesia.

    1. come here, i'll be your guide if you visit to benteng pendem :D

      aha? really?it's coool :D
      yap, i agree with you. because i've friends from foreign country and they can't find something about Indonesia in english :D

  7. bahasa inggrishnya kereen. pengen bisa cascus pakai bahasa inggrish gt. makin smangat nih buat blajar bahasa inggrish *curcol.

    jalan-jalan k benteng kayany seru. cocok buat tmpat phto2 ala zman dlu.

    1. hahaha, ini ajaaa berantakan kok masih belajar :D

      ayoo, cepet main ke benteng :D

  8. Yes you are cabe2an, hahaha... Nice info dude.. Salam kenal from terong2an yoo..

  9. Huuaaaa pake bhs inggris nih hrs buka kamus dl tadi hehehe
    Eh Ki..bukannya benteng pendem ada di cilacap ya? Baru tau klo di ngawi jg ada. Btw emg sih feel like sate kalo k sana siang2 .. Panas meeeen

    1. mungkin karena semua benteng di dalm tanah jadi nama familiarnya benteng pendem. tapi nama aslinya bisa jadi beda, kaya ini nama slinya kan Van Den Bosc,mungkin yang di cilacp apa gitu :D

  10. waah aku tidak seberapa jago bahasa inggris. but its okey, aku bisa nangkap sedikit-sedikit kok.

    jadi mending enakan gitu, liburan diisi sama mengunjungi tempat-tempat bersejarah aja daripada males-malesan dirumah. tempatnya juga bagus dan klasik banget gitu. berasa kayak bangunan yang ada di Roma wkwk.
    jadi, setelah kesitu ada rencana mau liburan kemana lagi?

    1. mauliburaaan kemana - mana sih, tapi masalahnya gak ada duit. heheu

  11. bentengnya di bawah tanah ya? jadi dinamain benteng pendem?
    tempatnya keren, bersejarah, bagus buat jadi objek foto foto
    untung gue ngerti bahasa inggris dikit dikit muehehe
    eh salam kenal ya :)

  12. Wah... keren foto-fotonya. Jadi mau kesana... Btw, you wish i always pretty. Oh god... *histeris*

  13. Amazing... i think tha place is good choice of refrence for travelling lover. I need you meeting again with us at kopdar jatim. Waiting you my friend...

    1. haha, come on i'llwaiting for you in Ngawi..
      aa, kopdar wanna be held soon :D

  14. waaaah ternyata kamu bisa nulis postingan blog pake bahasa inggris yaa. keren banget.

    eh iya, murah juga ya 1.000 sekali masuk. bangunan benteng retro kayak gitu harus dilestarikan. jangan sampai dirusak sama sekawanan orang orang yang nggak bertanggung jawab

    walaupun nggak terlalu ngerti, cuma bermanfaat banget buat bule bule yang pengen jalan jalan ke sini.. mudahan pariwisata indonesia meningkat seiring postingan ini dipublish hahaha.

    1. gak juga kuh, ini inggrinya juga masih kacau :D

      eh, 1000 itu parkirnya, kalo masuknya 2000 per orang :D

      hahaha, amiiin ya rob. tujuannya emang gitu kuh :D

  15. ini benteng pendem yang masuk antv itu bukan ya? :D
    aku mupeng pengen ke tempat giniannnnn mbak. tapi jauh :(

    1. duuuh, aku gak tau masuk antv enggak.
      Pokoknya ini pernah masuk di mr tukul jalan - jalan yang horor gitu :D
      ayolaaah, ntar bareng aku kesananya :D

  16. Sebenernya gue bahasa inggrisnya masih levelnya jauuh banget sama level mahir, tapi ngelihat gambarnya aja itu udah cukup ngegambarin tentang isi tulisanmu itu kok, hehhehe...
    Seru ya, bisa wisata terus jalan-jalan di tempat yang punya nilai history yang kuat kaya gitu :D

  17. HAHAHAHAHA.... :(
    gue paling lemah sama yang namanya bahasa inggris sama matematika.. dan gue temuin salah satunya disini.. maaf kalo gue gak bisa berkomentar sebagaimana mestinya..
    memang ada google translate.. tapi kayaknya sama aja berantakannya sih translatenya :|

  18. wawwwwwww....it is the exactly the same like Benteng Pendem in my hometown, Ambarawa!!! I heard too that they are actually related one another. The building is so old but it is totally classic and exotic!! But, in Ambarawa you dont need to pay to have a visit and there are some buildings used for living!! If you dont believe please have a visit to my blog here!!! You will be amazed! :) http://www.meykkesantoso.com/2013/05/melongok-warisan-voc-di-benteng-willem.html

    1. maybe the benteng is same but different name. And i think who build that benteng is same :D

  19. Hai Rizky maaf baru nongol dan meninggalkan jejak
    waaaahhhhhh saya langsung terperangah lho baca postingan ini... gimana tidak,, english euyy dan saya ngertinya cuma dikit2, huhu maafkan diriku klu gak bisa berkomentar banyak ttg postingan ini... tapi saya salutt,, klu Rizky udah bisa buat postingan english kayakn gini so pastinya gak terlalu amburadul.. keren kok,,, apalagi publishnya ttg wisata di Indonesia,, semacam memperkenalkn kekayaan indonesia yah :D Salah satunya Benteng Pendem itu:)

  20. Hey Kak! Im really sorry it is late, haha.. i was really busy..

    Okay, Benteng Pendem looks really interesting, although you explained it in English, i can still get the entire parts of what you wrote here. Hehe, it'll really cool if we get to the Benteng Pendem and get some photos over there and then set it as our profile picture, our friends will consider that the photo is taken at Europe! Hahahaha.. hope one day i can get there..

  21. Hey Kak! Im really sorry it is late, haha.. i was really busy..

    Okay, Benteng Pendem looks really interesting, although you explained it in English, i can still get the entire parts of what you wrote here. Hehe, it'll really cool if we get to the Benteng Pendem and get some photos over there and then set it as our profile picture, our friends will consider that the photo is taken at Europe! Hahahaha.. hope one day i can get there..

  22. waw benteng pendem :D ngomong ngomong rumahku distu hahaha


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